On this page you will find all the information you need about the Fluid Pressure Sensor (CC22901). You can use this for oil and fuel. You can find the pinout in the table below, please stick to the numbers on the included plug.
For MFD15/MFD28/MFD32 Gen2 devices, the TRI/TRX file is preconfigured so that if you connect the signal line directly to analog input 3, the Plug and Play values are displayed. Of course, you can also connect the sensor to other analog inputs or components. To do this, you have to enter the following characteristic curve and you are ready to go.
Technical Specifications
Technical Specifications
Thread: Metric M10 x 1.0
Wiring Pinout:
Pin 1: | Ground/GND |
Pin 2: | signal |
Pin 3: | +5V |
Voltage Table:
0V: | -1.25 bar | -18.13 psi |
5V: | 11.25 bar | 163.17 psi |