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Motul Oil Australia:

Motul oil is one of the best products on the market to lubricate machenery in your high perfromance vehicle covering engine, transmiton, differential and brake components.

Years of burnt and blasted iron helped Motul to understand the subtle art of lubrication. As real artists, Motul understands that the unavoidable keys for creation are well-maintained tools, machines and engineering. MotulTech responds to these needs.

MotulTech brings performance improvements to industry by applying its extensive knowledge, by anticipating every arduous operation. Apprehending every form of exertion, MotulTech experts develop products that balance the quest for performance and productivity with respect for users and the environment. It is both an art and science by which these experts proceed, step by step, inch by inch.

Entering into a partnership with Italian counterpart, Baraldi, MotulTech is now the benchmark in the field of lubricants for high pressure die- casting and aluminium extrusion. It is equipped with its own extensive high-technology R&D facility and ensures in-service monitoring of customers’ products close to their facilities. More than just a cutting fluid or maintenance lubricant, MotulTech ensures a solution tailored to improve industrial productivity.

Does Motul Make Good Oil?

Constantly exercising its right to invent, Motul displays a dedication to the best, from its suppliers, through its innovation to its clients. From Pennsylvania’s first oil rig to the brand’s latest laboratory, the unfolding quest for improvement fuels the company day-to-day, innovation-to-innovation. 1966 was a hallmark year in Motul’s pursuit of invention with the creation of Century 2100, the inaugural semi synthetic oil, hailed by the whole automotive sphere as the industry’s next catalyst to high performance. Inspired by Motul’s 300 victories in competition and enabled by this semi synthetic technology forerunner, the 300V product was born in 1971, becoming the very first fully synthetic oil on the worldwide market. Using today’s technology, 300V is considered as the reference in motorsports. 

Where is Motul Oil Made?

Motul is a global French company which manufactures, develops and distributes lubricants for engines (motorcycles, cars and other vehicles) and for industry. Pro Speed Racing stockes Motul Oil as an approved product for your perfromance vehicle.

Do we stock Motul Oil for Motorbikes?

short answer - no.

How long does Motul 300v last?

Like most high performance oil products on the market, they aren't made to be used for long periods of time. If you're a regular track driver you'd be changing this quite frequenlty. If using this in a street application you'd be looking at roughly 4,500 - 6,000 kms.

Where to Buy Motul oil?

Pro Speed Racing approves Motul Oil in Australia as a must have for street and track performance cars. You can shop all Motul car products here.

- Motul Engine Oil

- Motul Kart Oil

- Motul Transmission & Differential Oil

- Motul Brake Fluid

Motul Oil Finder:

We have a large variety of Motul oil fluid products for engine, transmition and differential. Using the "search" part finder above.